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  • Blackrock Veterinary Clinic | Vets in Dublin
  • Blackrock Veterinary Clinic | Vets in Dublin

    We believe in providing the best medical, surgical and preventative health care for your pets

At Blackrock Veterinary Clinic our aim is to be the best vet in Dublin and its surrounding areas. We provide excellent veterinary care for dogs, cats and other small animals.

We believe in providing the best medical, surgical, and preventative health care for your pets, all delivered in a warm, welcoming and personable environment. Compassion at all times for you and your pet is a priority.

Our surgery opens daily from 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday, and 9.30am to 12:30pm on Saturdays, with patient clinics held each morning, afternoon and evening. To minimise waiting times and improve efficiency we do operate an appointment system and would ask you phone ahead for an appointment time.

However, we do strive to see all pets on the day, if required, and of course we will see your pet as a priority if they are urgently ill or have an accident.

Outside of our opening hours there is full dedicated emergency cover for your pet, all details of which are on the After-Hours link below.

Opening Times:

Monday - Friday (by appointment): 8am - 7pm
Saturday (by appointment): 9:30am - 12:30pm

Services available from Blackrock Vets

With a focus on providing excellent care for patients and their owners, Blackrock Veterinary Clinic delivers all its services in a warm, welcoming and personable environment.

The services we offer:

After Hours

We open until 7pm each evening and until lunch-time on Saturdays. However, occasionally your pet may need treatment after-hours (sudden illness, accident, poisoning etc). MyVet Lucan now provide our Out of Hours Emergency Service. Staff are on duty all night, at weekends and on bank holidays.

Contact Info:
Phone: 01-6010060, MyVet Lucan, Eircode K78F1W3

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Are Christmas Trees Toxic to Dogs?

Are Christmas Trees Toxic to Dogs?

Oct 11th, 2024

The Christmas season brings joy, decorations, and Christmas trees into our homes. However, as a pet owner, it's crucial to know if these festive additions are safe for our dogs. At Blackrock Vets, we often get asked, "Are Christmas trees toxic to dogs?" The answer is yes, certain aspects of Christmas trees can pose risks to dogs.

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Tips for Calming Your Anxious Dog or Cat

Tips for Calming Your Anxious Dog or Cat

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Pets, much like humans, can experience anxiety. Recognising and addressing this anxiety is crucial for their wellbeing. At Blackrock Vets, we understand the challenges of managing anxious pets and are here to provide you with practical advice to help soothe your anxious dog or cat.

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Prepare Your Dog for a Smooth Journey When Travelling

Prepare Your Dog for a Smooth Journey When Travelling

Oct 2nd, 2024

Travelling with your dog can be an exciting adventure, but it requires some planning to ensure a smooth journey for both you and your dog. Whether you're embarking on a road trip, flying to a new destination, or simply heading to Blackrock Vets for a check-up, preparing your dog adequately is key to a stress-free experience. Here, we share some top tips to make sure your dog is travel-ready and comfortable throughout your journey.

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