We've generously funded a lifesaving defibrillator for the local Blackrock community in memory of his brother.
Eamonn Moore, clinical director of Blackrock Veterinary Clinic in Stillorgan Park, Blackrock, tragically lost his brother Garry in 2003.
Garry suffered a cardiac arrest and died aged just 39, prompting Eamonn to mark the 20th anniversary of his death with this kind, lifesaving gesture for the community.
Eamonn explained: “I thought it would be a nice thing to do in memory of my brother Garry.
“Garry was only 39 when he died from cardiac arrest and the 20th anniversary prompted me to buy the defibrillator and install it outside our practice in Stillorgan Park.
“I had noticed there was a distinct lack of a public defibrillators in the area, so I decided to locate it here. It helps us as a practice to also give back to the local community, who have shown such great support for the clinic over the last 25 years.
“We installed it on the outside of the building to make it easily available to the community. It is also unlocked, making it far more accessible in an emergency.”
Eamonn’s defibrillator donation has proved a popular move and received a huge thumbs-up from the Blackrock locals.
Blackrock Veterinary Clinic practice manager Melanie Corcoran added: “Feedback from neighbours, clients and residents in the area has been overwhelmingly positive.
“We posted about the defibrillator on our social media and got some super feedback. We also circulated a similar message to clients in the area to circulate on their neighbourhood groups and street WhatApps and this generated a lot of positive chatter, too.
“It is a potential lifesaver. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) are a significant cause of death which affect roughly 3,000 people in Ireland each year.
“Having a defibrillator to hand within two minutes can increase the chance of survival to 80 per cent.
“To make it as easy as possible, our defibrillator box is always unlocked and instantly available for anyone to use in the case of an emergency.”